What is World Parrot Trust?

The World Parrot Trust (WPT) is an organisation to help raise money for parrots and travel around the world to stop parrot smuggling and rescue and rehabilitate parrots who have been victums to the trapping. They take birds who have been injured by the smuggling and give them a small operation. First they put the birds to sleep with a mask and then they give them fake replacment flight feathers. * the birds wings are clipped when they are trapped that way they can not get away* They then let the birds go into a large free flight aviary until they are ready to be released!  Here is a link to their website:


Thanks for your support

Where can I adopt a parrot?

Well in our opinion it is best to adopt a parrot who really needs you! So for those in Canada, check out Birdline! If you know any bird rescuses in or around your area try looking there. We do not support buying parrots from breeders or pet stores, the more parrots bred results in more parrots ending up in parrot rescues. People take on parrots because they are beautiful and look good, But if you dont know what to do, please dont rush into buying one from a breeder or a pet store! Ask questions and learn a bit about them before you adopt one! DO NOT BUY A BABY PARROT FROM A DIFFERENT PROVENCE AND GET THEM SPENT BY A PLANE TO WHERE YOU ARE!!!! 1: Its not fair on that poor bird! 2: You never know what you are going to get! For example, the people who had Ruby before me got her sent over from Ontario and she arrived with no tail and no wings! She could not stand or balance. After 2 years of support and help from an amazing bird behaviorist, she has wings and a tail now but still has a bit of differculty balancing. She gets scared by every little noice, but she is amazing :) Dont be shy to ask questions!!